This journal publishes articles, conferences, translations, bibliographic reviews and debates that articulate ethnographic works, and those of theoretical and methodological discussions by Spanish and foreigner authors. Articles must be unpublished and they must not be simultaneously participating in other review examination. Articles, reports and other contributions will be sent through e-mail in Word format to: nta@revistadeantropologia.es, specifying the type of contribution and following the instructions about the text format: 1.- Language. The complete text must be written preferably in Spanish or English. It will also be accepted texts written in other languages, such as French, Italian, Portuguese and German. 2.- Abstract and key words. Each article must be preceded by an abstract, which length will be no longer than 10 lines, in both English and Spanish. Several key words must be included (preferably between 5 and 10), in relation to the article content. The key words and the title must be presented in English too. If the original text is in English, the translation of title, abstract and key words will be presented in Spanish. 3.- Length and text format. Text will have a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 35 pages and will be written in Microsoft Office Word: Garamond font type, 12 point; 3 cm. left and right margins, 2,5 cm. upper and lower margins; 1,5 spacing. Longer texts will be accepted if the publication is justified by its scientific quality. 4.- Author’s personal details. It will be attached to the article the author’s name, institution, e-mail and telephone number. It will also be attached a brief curriculum vitae, which must include the present profession, the academic qualifications and the researches done. 5.-
Footnotes. We recommend to use notes only if it
is really necessary. The notes will be included in the foot of the page and its
format will be Garamond 10.
6.- References and quotations. The bibliographical references have to be elaborated following the system of Harvard. Quotations must be included using double quotes, with the same text format as the main text. If the quotations are from informers they will be separated from the main text using a 1,5 cm indentation and the format Garamond 11. References must appear in the main text, between parentheses, and including the author’s surname and the year of the publication. When there are two authors, both must be referenced. When there are three or more authors, the reference will be the main author followed by et al. When there are two or more references between the same parentheses, the authors must follow a chronological order, and if all of them have published the same year, the must respect an alphabetical order. When the same author has more than one reference in the same year, a letter will be included near the year. Examples:
If the quotation is literal or the article ideas are located on specific pages of the cited work, two points will be added followed by the number o numbers of pages separated by a hyphen. Example:
7.- Bibliography and webgraphy. They will appear at the bottom of the text, in a alphabetical order, and chronological order in the case of the same author’s work. The format will be the following:
Example: Vázquez, María (2009) De trabajos en las sombras, Madrid, Editorial Masana. If the original edition is not the consulted edition, the first one must be included between brackets:
Example: Vázquez, María [1995] (2009) De trabajos en
las sombras, Madrid, Editorial Masana.
Example: Guirao, María (2009) “Identidad y Trabajo” in Vázquez, M. (ed.) De trabajos en las sombras, Madrid, Editorial Masana, pp. 45-67.
Example: Zambrano, Elena (2008) “Reproduciendo pautas
y trabajos en relación al género”, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, vol. 1, nº 5,
pp. 12-34.
Example: INE (2007) Estadísticas de I+D, Madrid, INE.
Example: González, Mario (2010)
“Mercado de trabajo e interculturalidad”, 6 May 2010.
References to pages or documents viewed on the web, you must specify the exact date of the query. 8.- Tables, graphics and drawings. They will be inserted numerated as images, centered in the body text. Excel files will be avoid. Tables, graphics and drawings must be inserted as images. When a photograph is inserted, the document must not exceed 1 mb. Below the table, graphic or image, there will be the source included. If those have been elaborated by the author, it will be indicated as “source: own elaboration”
Publication acceptance The articles will be subjected to an experts report who will be external to the editorial body of the journal and to the editorial board. These reports will be basic for the final selection, which must be done by the Journal Editorial Board and the Journal Direction. The editorial process will be developed in the
following stages:
1. The received articles will be object of a preliminary evaluation by the members of the Journal Editorial Board and the Journal Direction. 2.
c If there is discrepancy between booth results, the text will be sent to a third arbitrator. The results of the academic report process will be unappealable. 3. After the evaluation and a favorable report from the Journal Editorial Board or the Journal Direction, the article will be accepted. The article acceptance will be communicated to the autor, and immediately it will be published in Internet. Ethical code The journal adheres to the international standards and ethical code established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE). Anti-plagiarism policy The texts sent are reviewed by the Turnitin antiplag program. Copyright
Open access policy
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas de Elche.
Área de Antropología social.
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Avda. de la Universidad, s/n,
nta@revistadeantropologia.es |